The Organ-Computer Interface Project


Gregor Antes and Guido Melliger(*) exploring the response of the organ electronics.

G. A. at preliminary tests.


One of two final Organ-Computer Interfaces.


Spatial disposition of organ pipes

(*) Guido Melliger is a pharmacologist and a universal technical do-it-yourself genius with a sharp analytical mind. He has founded his own company MELTECH Inc. in the U.S.A, producing automated production machinery for the pharmaceutical industry. I know him since our childhood and we have started and mostly completed together many interesting and "crazy" projects and developments such as terrorising our neighbours with the chemical arsenal of his father's pharmacy or - more seriously - designing, constructing and testing SCUBA diving equipment, ultrasonic underwater communication, short wave radio communication, underwater stereo photography or high fidelity audio equipment. We also share some hobbies like windsurfing, piloting airplanes and of course, listening to good music.

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